Question 1 /20

Canadian citizens have rights and responsibilities. From where did it come from?

Do forced marriage of women permitted in Canada?

Their knowledge of the land, sea and wildlife enabled them to adapt to one of the harshest environments on earth and because of that Inuit people can be found live across the…

The vast majority French speaking is from…

The British Parliament passed the Constitutional Act in which year?

The Atlantic colonies and the two Canadas were known collectively as…

The first representative assembly was elected in Halifax in 1758 in which part of Canada?

The Aboriginals granted the right to vote in the year of…

By the 1960s, how many Canadians took pride in preserving their distinct culture in the Canadian fabric?

Both the House of Commons and the Senate consider and review bills. A bill can only become a law only after the bill has received…

The Members of the House of Common are elected through every District.How many are the electoral districts in Canada?

An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a…

The police are responsible to enforce the law and make sure the citizen…

Which is the symbol can be found on the coats of arms in Montreal and Toronto?

The national anthem which is the O Canada was first sung in…

Where is the equal status given to the English and French in Canada?

How many did the Canada's exports which destined for the United States?

There are ____ lakes located between Ontario and the United States?

What did the Prairie Provinces contains the most?

Which of the following is the highest mountain in Canada?



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