Question 1 /20

In Canada, who are regulated by the Laws?

Question 2 – The following is the founding peoples of Canada except…

Who was the commander of the British army who died leading his troops in the battle where the British defeated the French in 1759?

What is the reason for a large number of Aboriginals died from the arrival pf European traders, missionaries, soldiers and colonist?

In which year did the plan been introduced to the Canada and Quebec Pension?

Federal Government involved in matters of defence, foreign policy, interprovincial trade and communications, currency, navigation, criminal law and citizenship and which are under…

There are three parts of the Parliament, known as the Sovereign (Queen or King), the Senate and…

Canada is governed by an organized system of laws which written rules intended to guide people in our society. They are made by…

How long has The Crown has been the symbol of the state in Canada?

French Canadians adopted Maple leaves as a symbol in…

The Memorial Chamber contains the Books of Remembrance and the names of the…

Canada's economy is one of the largest economies in the world, it is among…

Canada contains ____ distinct regions.

In Canada, which of the following is the fourth largest metropolitan area?

_______ is the only Official Bilingual Province and contains about one-third of the population living and working in French.

A Member of Parliament from any area will stay at any electoral district. This means…

Fatima is a new immigrant in Canada. Under which law that can refer if she wants to work in Canada?

The name “Canada” come from the word of…

Which of the following is the example of where English and French have equal status in Canada?

What is the first line of Canada’s national anthem?



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