Question 1 /182

Regardless of age, all new drivers are part of the

Driving is a ________________ task.

GDL improves road safety by creating a safe and controlled environment for all

As a GDL driver, you will hold

To obtain a Class 7 learner's license you must be

To obtain a Class 7 learner's license you must:

To obtain a Class 7 learner's license you must pass a knowledge test on the:

To obtain a Class 7 learner's license you must have parental consent if you are under:

To obtain a Class 7 learner's license you must have a valid:

You must hold a learner's license (Class 7) for at least

You are not permitted to drive from midnight to

You are not permitted to have more passengers than

To become a probationary driver you must be:

To become a probationary driver you must pass

You must be a probationary driver for a minimum of

To exit the GDL program you must be:

To exit the GDL program you must be in the probationary stage for a minimum of:

Upon exiting the GDL program, you will move from a Class 5-GDL to a:

Upon exiting the GDL program, you will ____________ the number of demerits you are allowed

Upon exiting the GDL program, you will ________ the zero alcohol and drug tolerance condition

Upon exiting the GDL program, you will be able to be____________ driver to a learner

To obtain your learner's license, you will need to pass a

You can take your knowledge test at most Alberta

In the knowledge test you will be asked about safe driving practices, driving laws, and

The knowledge test is

The Class 7 electronic driver knowledge test is available in______ languages

Which assessment is required before you are eligible to obtain an Alberta driver's license

Which form is filled, If you do not meet the vision standards

Class 5 driver's license allowing drivers to operate cars and other

Passing the Class 5 road test allows drivers to move from a Class 7 learner's license to a

Class 5 road test is approximately

What should be in acceptable working condition for class 5 road test

For class 5 test the vehicle must have

All of the followings are necessary for a vehicle to have except

What does identifying and operating the vehicle's controls include?

Drivers earn _____________ for mistakes made during a road test

If the maximum points for _________ are exceeded, the driver fails the test

What does exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for the conditions result in?

Failing to yield the ____________ at an intersection or during a lane change results failure in road test

Obstructing traffic by driving too ___________ or stopping unnecessarily can cause failure in road test

What should you do to update your driver's license after passing a road test?

What should be the age limit to apply for a learner driver's license?

If the person applying for the learner's license is under 18 years of age, what does he require to next question?

What kind of Vehicles may be operated with a Class 5 driver's license

The holder of a Class 5 driver's license shall not operate:

An air brake endorsement is required for drivers of vehicles with:

What is the job of Driver examiners?

Who can conduct the Road test?

What are the primary sites for road tests to begin and end?

Who train, monitor, and audit the licensed driver examiners?

Who scheduled Road test?

Why do we require a driver's license?

The required documents to operate a motor vehicle are driver's license, insurance, and

When applying for an Alberta driver's license you must provide

A driver's license may only be issued to

What should the applicants originating from outside Canada or the United States provide to be considered as residents?

What is required for Visitors to Alberta to drive the same class of vehicle in Alberta without obtaining a local license for up to one year?

New Alberta residents may use their _______________ for the first 90 days of residency.

It is _________ to hold more than one driver's license.

A valid license from a jurisdiction that has a reciprocal licensing agreement with Alberta can be exchanged for

what are the two medical requirements for a person 75 years of age or older, who applies for a driver's license, or is renewing their existing driver's license,

The Medical Examination for Motor Vehicle Operators form must be completed and signed by

A condition code may be added to a driver's license

What is an endorsement code on a driver's license?

Conditions and ____________ specific to you are placed on the front of the license, in the Cond/End section.

Some of the condition codes and endorsements have an explanation on the ____________ of the driver's license

What does the Driver license condition code "A" stand for?

What does the Driver license condition code "J" stand for?

What does the Driver license condition code "G" stand for?

What does the Driver license condition code "L" stand for?

What does the Driver license condition code "T" stand for?

What does Driver license endorsement "S" stand for?

What are the two requirements to be fulfilled While re-classing your driver's license

Re-classing your driver's license from your current class to a Class 1, 2, or 4 license will also require a

What should you do if your driver's license is lost, stolen, destroyed, or is unreadable?

What is the procedure to change the information on your driver's license, such as your name, address, or license class?

In Alberta, license plates remain with the ___________ and are not transferable to another person.

All motor vehicles must be insured with a ____________ as outlined in the Alberta Insurance Act.

What are the colors used in traffic signals?

What are traffic control signals?

The __________ of the light determines which stream of traffic has the right-of-way.

The traffic control signal may be

What is the order of lights for a vertical traffic control signal?

What is the order of lights for a horizontal traffic control signal?

What should drivers do when they face a traffic control signal displaying a solid red light?

Where to stop if there is no stop line or crosswalk?

Vehicles must remain stopped at the red light until it turns

What does a solid double red light mean?

Why does a green light change to yellow?

What does a "stale" green light mean?

What does the green light in pedestrian walk light show?

Some pedestrian signals include a __________ to show how much time remains before the light changes.

What does Solid red light mean?

What does Solid yellow light mean?

What does Solid green light mean?

What is the use of lane reversal signals?

What is the maximum speed limit on a provincial highway located outside an urban area?

What is the maximum speed limit on a roadway that is located outside an urban area?

What are Permission signs?

What are the symbols prohibiting an action?

Before driving Lock your doors and

What should be driver's distance from the steering wheel?

A properly adjusted head restraint protects the

When the vehicle is in reverse gear the white or clear lights at the rear of the vehicle will be

The vehicle's engine will ___________in Neutral.

Which gears will be used when going up or down hills and on road conditions such as slush, loose gravel, snow, sand, or ice, where you need more power but less speed?

You must operate a clutch pedal with your __________ while using a gear shift lever with the right hand to manually select the desired gear.

When starting the engine of a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission, the gear shift lever should be in the __________ position.

What should the young drivers practice to learn to use the clutch smoothly?

Be sure to remove your foot from the ________ each time you finish changing to another gear.

What is riding the clutch?

What is the best hand placement position while holding a steering?

Where should the drivers glance occasionally to check the speed?

When stopping, begin braking early because;

What is threshold braking?

All reversing must be done at a ______________ speed.

What do the white reverse lights on a vehicle show?

When you are leaving a parallel park position with a vehicle parked in front of you, Check all __________ to see if it is safe to leave the parking location.

To enter an angle parking space on the right, turn on your right turn signal and reduce your

Perpendicular parking spaces are at ___________ angle to the curb.

When parking facing downhill, always turn your front wheels to the

Right-of-way rules require one person to yield and allow the other to

Intersections are high-risk locations for

What are courtesy corners?

What should you do at intersections having no traffic signs and no traffic signal lights?

Traffic circles and roundabouts are circular intersections designed to improve

The center island of a roundabout is _________ than the center island of a traffic circle.

When you intend to exit at the first available exit, Use your ___________ as you approach.

You should be in your proper turning lane at least _________ before the intersection.

What are blind spots?

How can you see you to see the area you are unable to see in your mirrors?

What is passing lane?

It is __________ to exceed the speed limit when passing another vehicle.

If a solid yellow line is on your side of the center line, passing another vehicle is

The portion of a primary highway that lies between the edge of the roadway and the first lane of travel, sometimes referred to as the

_______________ is a shared responsibility between the vehicles joining the roadway and the vehicles already on the roadway.

If you are on the main roadway, and traffic is merging, move _____ to the next lane.

Use caution in weave zones to ensure all vehicles can safely _________ the highway.

Due to kinetic energy, your vehicle will want to go straight ahead on a ________ even though you are turning the wheels.

What should you do if you skid in a curve?

Why you should not pass near the top of a hill on a two-lane highway?

What does ABS stand for?

To brake in an emergency, apply steady firm pressure to the

In vehicles without ABS, braking hard can cause the wheels to become

What cause skid?

It is very important to keep your foot off the brake pedal if you start to

When does a power skid occur?

What is Cornering skid?

If you drive off the paved portion of the roadway, Keep a firm grip on the

If your power steering fails, you ____________ still steer the vehicle.

If a tire has an air leak, how will you feel?

What should you do first, if both headlights fail?

Which light you must turn on when you are driving at night and cannot clearly see 150 meters (500 feet) in front of you?

When it is raining, use low beam headlights. Why?

What is hydroplaning?

If you are involved in a collision, give ______ where you can.

When passing emergency vehicles or tow trucks that are stopped with their lights ?ashing, reduce your speed to

When workers are present in the construction area, the fines for speeding in these areas will be

When a police officer is behind you, with the emergency lights ?ashing, what should you do?

What do you mean by proactive driving?

School children and other pedestrians are ________ type of hazards.

Under normal road and weather conditions you should drive a minimum ___________ behind the vehicle ahead.

What is child safety rule in Alberta?

What must be labeled on all child safety seats used in Canada?

When shopping for a new vehicle, look for its_______ label.

What is Energuide for?

You can improve your fuel efficiency in summer?

Why you must not smoke, light matches, or use a lighter when fuelling your vehicle?

pilot lights could provide a source of ignition, so they should be

Do not overfill your tank. Over?ow and spills can affect the

What should you do If the view from your inside rear view mirror is blocked?

In an urban area, pedestrians may indicate their intention to cross a street by

The law requires cyclists or passengers on a bicycle, who are under 18 years of age,

1Why you should not follow too closely behind cyclists?

Large vehicles can spray___________ , such as rocks, onto your windshield.

Snowplows are equipped with ?ashing amber and red lights to make them more

To reduce the risk of fatigue, keep your _________ moving by scanning the road ahead and behind.

On average, from 2016 to 2020, each year approximately 38 people were killed and 535 people were injured in collisions involving

If you have accumulated 15 or more demerit points within a two-year period your driver's license privileges will be automatically

What is the Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS)?

What is The IRS: 24-hour program?

What is The IRS ZERO: Novice program?



Your Score:
20 Points
Passing Score:
80 Points


You did not Pass
Better Luck Next Time!